Kama Sutra is not Tantra
The Genuine Kama Sutra is Not Tantra!
However, here's why you should be interested in both:
Tantra and the Kama Sutra
These two are often lumped together by sex writers today. However, as you'll discover listed below, the two, very deserving subjects are only distantly associated! Modern sexual marketing has made sure that the very first things many people envision when they hear "Kama Sutra" are pictures of statues with entwined limbs and bodies in unique sexual positions. These images are the often re-printed photographs of explicitly sensual statues in the Dakini temples of Southern India. These are tantric temples - however, the only relationship between the images and the Kama Sutra is the 30 approximately like positions.
Many illustrated books and sites about the Kama Sutra contain just these couple of chapters - the ones on sex positions, methods of welcome, kissing, scratching, biting, touching, and the like. But getting only these excerpts is to restrict oneself as a sensualist. The Kama Sutra is far more, but still not - strictly speaking - tantric!
Any good lover can tell that arousal, stimulation, and captivation are more than just sexual techniques and that knowing 30 sex positions isn't enough to keep a lover desiring your naked body, even years later. Understanding the mind and senses of your lover fosters and cultivates eroticism far more profoundly than just simple postures. In ancient India, Tantra developed these techniques even more deeply on the levels of the emotional, the erotic, and the spiritual - to achieve divine bliss. This step is what's missing out in the Kama Sutra.
The Kama Sutra stops at sexual pleasure; Tantra takes it higher to the level of divine and
spiritual ecstatic expression of human life!
The Kama Sutra is an ancient Indian text - a sex manual - for sensual pleasure. On the other hand, one art of Tantra involves sexual union at the level of divine communion.
Kama Sutra is regularly mistranslated as "the arts of love," however really, Kama means "love, satisfaction, and the life of the senses" and a Sutra is a group of aphorisms - short, pithy expressions. Vātsyāyana is an ancient Indian philosopher, known for writing the Kama Sutra, the most ancient book in the world on human sexuality. He lived in India during the second or third century CE, probably in Pataliputra (modern-day Patna). His name is sometimes erroneously confused with Mallanaga, the prophet of the Asuras, to whom the origin of erotic science is attributed.
The Author
Vatsyayana wrote the Kama Sutra for the ruling class, which at that time in India's history was the Kshatriya, or Warrior caste. Kama Sutra starts with a salutation to the Divine balance of these 3 principles, Dharma, Artha, and Kama.
There are no tantric sexual or spiritual practices (puja) in the Kama Sutra. There are, nevertheless, a few examples of simple magical Tantra - the making of potions, beauties, and amulets - in the final chapters entitled "On Attracting Others." Many of the sexual and spiritual Tantras (tantric teachings) were only oral customs in Vatsyayana's time. It wasn't until several centuries later on that the Tantras were turned into scripture. (The tantras were documented beginning in the 5th century, and continuing through the 19th century.)
To somebody who has bought "Tantra for Dummies," or any comparable books written by a marketing-savvy western sexologist with no Tantric background, the absence of "tantric" material in the Kama Sutra might be rather a surprise. Vatsyayana, like his peers, kept the tantric secrets secret - as oral custom. So don't want to Kama Sutra to spiritualize your lovemaking, however, do aim to it to understand sensuality and humanity.
Nothing More Than A Manual For Pleasure
Look to the Kama Sutra for exactly the function for which it was composed: As a manual for pleasing, taking pleasure in the realm, and stabilizing of the senses. The Kama Sutra is concurrently a handbook of matchmaking, flirting, sensuality in life and sex, romantic love, humanity, attracting a man, turning on a female, how to seduce a male, how to captivate a lady, how to get a man or female to wed you, arranged marriages, affairs, gold-digging, the economics of love, affairs with courtesans, keeping the love of an enthusiast or spouse, love potions, appeals, and everything in between.
Vatsyayana was fantastic in his insight that sexuality starts before the bedroom - in the world of the senses and the realm of imagination. He expresses that mystery, bearing, and mindset are as important in love as a technique; also, that simply knowing positions and strategies doesn't captivate a lover. You should first record their sensuous experience through suggestive discussion, smell, and short touches. This understanding of the significance of the psychological mindset and physical focus is distinct from the tantric view. In his spiritual pursuits, Vatsyayana applied the same understanding to the pursuit of Realization and Liberation. He was an acknowledged spiritual master of his time. It's obvious from his knowledge of women and their pleasures that his spirituality was sensual, and not celibate.
So why did Vatsyayana not include tantric sexual practices in his most famous work?
He did this even though he understood that sexuality is just as suitable as a spiritual tool. He composed the Kama Sutra for the ruling class - so they could balance and enjoy their sensuous pangs of hunger with their spiritual and social commitments as rulers. Not to pass on secrets he knew would be lost on a number of these students. Check out the genuine Kama Sutra for its power over your sensuality, and if you desire something much deeper. If you feel drawn to Divine expression within - including your sensuality - you will discover it by learning from Tantra Teachers. For every tantric student, there should be a Tantric Guru.
Yoga and Sex for Women
Women prefer erotic love while men prefer sexual intercourse!
In this context, it would be greatly enlightening for men to learn the erotic arts and for women to become more robust in physical acts of sexual intercourse. Women need to understand their bodies better because it is far more complex than men. In India, where we also have the Third Gender, imagine what amount of confusion the people of the Third Gender must be facing. Yoga can not only assist women to improve their sex life it will also grant them sexual freedom.
Sexual Freedom for Women
Sex binds women in many ways. The monthly menstrual cycle - and all the discomfort it brings - is one such phenomenon. Conventionally, the sexual act for women is passive: this implies the woman has to depend on the partner for satisfaction. If the partner is focused on his own pleasure, then the woman is left unsatisfied.
The Kama Sutra text teaches men to please their women in marriage. There is a lesser-known ancient text called Ananda Ranga which has advice specifically for women.
The Ananga Ranga is a sacred sexuality guide for men and women from ancient India (written in the 15th-16th Century AD). The Ananga Ranga shows how husbands and wives can cultivate their relationship through love and sexual pleasure. It is a guide for couples to enjoy diverse sexual positions and pleasures, which is said to create harmony between men and women so that they don't become bored with one another.
"The chief reason for the separation between the married couple is the want of varied pleasures and the monotony which follows possession. Fully understanding the way in which such quarrels arise, I have in this book shown how the husband, by varying the enjoyment of his wife, may live with her as with thirty-two different women, ever-varying the enjoyment of her."
However, modern books on sexuality and sexual freedom for women are far more advanced and insightful than such books. If women can draw from the Kama Sutra, great; if not, then it's better to read any twentieth-century book on sexuality for women.
A woman's sexual life is enhanced when confidence levels are high. Practicing Yoga can give you a much better awareness of your body and you will see aspects of your body that you may not notice when you do aerobics. The art of Yoga relies on body awareness, body motion, and breathing. Body awareness is among the numerous structures that Yoga is developed on. Being aware of your body can help to provide you a better picture of yourself, which can, in turn, increase your libido and spark enthusiasm.
Are we just physical beings? Is there anything beyond the body?
In the context of sex, it is even more important to understand that we more than mere physical bodies. Sex and Erotica introduce us to these subtleties, therefore sex for spiritual awakening or tantric sex is a well-established path in Tantra.
Let's explore this through the following example: In the presence of a Qigong or Taiji Master, a layperson might feel uncommon, discomforting experiences within their body. How can somebody without even touching you, trigger so much physical experience in the other? Could it be that somehow these qi-gong specialists have around them a formidable but unnoticeable energy field?
The construct of a human body consists of more than just the physique: it also consists of Subtle Bodies,
Subtle Energies, and Chakras.
The subtle bodies are energy trucks that overlay the physical one. The astral body is connected with the various vibrational dimensions. Like the measurements, the bodies interpenetrate one another and stack up greater and greater in vibration. It seems for every single matching vibrational range (measurement and sub-dimension) there is an associated body. From my understanding, the cognitive automobiles or subtle bodies analyze the impulse from its 'source' which is pure awareness, and by down-stepping into numerous cars, its reflections become our personality. The series of down-stepping, as I comprehend it, goes something like this:
Many people know their mental thoughts and emotions, which form their personality. As you can see, the genuine "Identity of a Being" is more than that. An individual who is sensitive to the 'sensing/feeling (idea without definition) stage of cognition can be described as being intuitive.
According to the tantric viewpoint and Yoga, chakras are energy vortexes or channel wheels in the energy bodies. They are energy centers that process vital force energies. Contrary to common belief, they are not limited to the teachings of the Buddhist and Hindu Yogis. The shamans of South America knew about them too. The Taoist custom also has a system of power points along the Central Channel of the body that almost represents the location of the chakras.
Each chakra governs a specific area of articulation and expression. Chakras can be under active, extremely active, or in balance. When in balance and working appropriately, they allow the person to have healthy self-expression. Chakra also nurtures the surrounding physical organs by providing energy. So an appropriately working chakra signifies mental and physical well-being in the associated locations.
The human energy system is not made solely of chakras and subtle bodies just. Prana or Chi which is the universal life force penetrates the energy fields. It has actually been stated that meridian and/or nadis bring this chi or prana throughout the energy field. Therefore, we are certainly more vast than what we think we are.
Sex is physical but Erotica is subtle.
Gender is specific but sexuality is fluid.
Love is Divine but Lust is Pure!
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